
The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = G. CARLIN...Stain glass, engraved glass, frosted glass
–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES...Music is the mathematics of the gods = PYTHAGORAS...Nothing is more fluid than language = R. L. SWIHART
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I think therefore I am troubled = RENEE DESCARTES<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Magritte Sky Burst Sky Bust


Rene Magritte 
The Future of Statues
Think not
About a liver spot
Think cool
Think Tate Liverpool

Beyond  Penny Lane
Where clouds make rain

There is a museum
where you can see him

He is  a sky-painted bust
By an artist in whom I trust

I think THINK FOR YOURSELF, a song by four lads from Liverpool,
is an appropriate soundtrack for this page but feel free to think
otherwise or think other ways.

I know your mind's opaque is a line from the George Harrison composition.
The youngest of the Beatles could have been thinking of  the cloudy sky bust. 

Rene Magritte painted The Future of Statues in 1937, three years
before John Lennon, the eldest of the Beatles, was born.

Professor Magritte is the Post-humous Chair of the LCSoL Art Department.

The next Beatles' page is here.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Adan & Eva: La Tour D'Amour


Adan & Eva are on a love tour
They are in the south of France
In front of a pretty door
She, in a skirt; he, in pants
They wear very little more

A dance, perchance?

Aden et Eva sont sur un amour tournée 
ils sont dans le sud de la Franceen 
face d'une jolie porte, 
elle, dans une jupe; il, en pantalon 
qu'ils portent peu plus

Une danse, par hasard?

The original image is from here
and Adan & Eva's next page is there.


Mi Silla! Mi Silla!


Heriberto Vidiana was arrested with a can of spray paint in the valet  parking lot
of The Ultra Burger in Studio City.

It was a great place to eat if you got twenty bucks for a burger and  fries.

Ultra Burger was the kind of restaurant where zillion dollar movie deals are sealed,
prompting management to monogram the napkins at no extra charge. 

But at  4 AM on the morning of February 15, 1998,
Heriberto Vidiana was not parking any Porsches.

Patrolman  Alfred  Redding  locked  the perpetrator in the back of his car
and radioed in a report.

Heriberto spoke no English and had excitedly repeated the phrases, "Aqui trabajo!"
and, pointing wildly at something, "Mi silla! Mi silla!"

The dispatcher provided a translation: the suspect was a parking attendant at the  restaurant
and  had  permission  to  paint  a rusted lawn chair donated by a customer. 

Ptl.  Redding asked why was he doing it at four o'clock in the morning? 

The owner of The Ultra Burger did not want any spray paint on the premises during business hours
and Heriberto had just gotten off work from his second job at a soap  factory in North Hollywood.

The chair had been the only occupant of the parking lot.

The  suspect was  released without  further questioning but not until Patrolman Alfred Redding
drove Heriberto Vidiana to Winchell's and bought Heriberto a coffee and donut.

MI SILLA! MI SILLA! is the copyrighted property of LCSoL. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dexter Google...


If you google for images

You will probably not find 
this photograph from 
his junior high school 

He may be the only legendary 
jazz saxophonist who was also nominated for a Best Actor Academy Award (1986: Round Midnight)

Dexter Gordon was the tallest person in the back row of  the McKinley JHS 1938 Yearbook.

If that is insufficient for identifying him,
try matching the face below to the student photo.

This image is from here.

For more information
about the yearbook photo,
click here.

Had Dexter Gordon
not attended  Jefferson HS
after graduating
from McKinley,
this page would
not exist.

But his music is eternal!
Please give a look & listen
to  Dexter Gordon performing
The Shadow of Your Smile.

Budweiser Disclaimer


© Paul Oliverio
Budweiser sponsors
this stadium ramp

Where–before & after
a game–many feet 
do tramp  

But if one football fan
overdoses on beer

And leaves the evidence here

Anheuser-Busch  must confess:

They are not responsible 
for cleaning the mess

A Pledge


© Paul Oliverio
I pledge allegiance
To the sea I see
And the palm tree
To my right

The beach that said
Good bye  to night

Early morning joggers
Not yet in view 

My eyes: they have
So much to do 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

He Said...She Said (He/She #29) ©


"Punctuality? Where is that at? They say the early bird
 gets the worm. But if that worm slept in, he'd still be
 alive today."

"How would we know?" 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Bob Dylan Gets Racked


The most popular manuscript ever to appear at auction, 
Bob Dylan's original hand written lyrics for the 1965 epic "Like A Rolling Stone,"
shown at the press preview "A Rock & Roll History: Presley To Punk" 
at Sotheby's on June 20, 2014 in New York City.
Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images/AFP.

UPDATE 6/25/14: SOLD FOR $2,000,000 

© artdaily.org
Best Photos of the Day

For a closer look at the handwritten lyrics, click here. 
To hear a cover version of this song, click there.

And the next Dylan page is just over yonder.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Jimmy Durante & Auguste Rodin


Rodin's Thinker Had Me Thinkin'

Auguste Rodin's  The Thinker  (ArtDaily 5/29/14)



that got 

inside my head!

Jimmy Durante

  In 1961, there was an episode of a TV show
  called Make Room For Daddy.

  It featured Jimmy Durante & Danny Thomas
  at an Art Museum.

  Danny pointed to a statue and said
"That's Rodin's Thinker."

  In his distinct nasal voice, Jimmy replied  
"I know what he's thinkin' about.
  He's thinkin' Where did I leave my clothes?"

Danny Thomas

The twelve year-old boy who was watching this show
with his parents & sisters, did not laugh as much as 
the other people in the room.

But were he (a/k/a me) to not laugh 
in the presence of Great Art,
half the GoodFather pages
could have ended up 
in the same dump
as discarded 

Art is forever  and what is also true
it can help to add humor
to things you view.

Rodin's  The Burghers of Calais (Norton Simon Museum)

To this day, whenever
I see a Rodin

Jimmy Durante
always comes
to mind!

Auguste Rodin


Adan & Eva & Marilyn Monroe


Adan & Eva are on tour
And nothing could be finer
But they landed in a dump
Somewhere in China.

They react with shock
To a grievous sin:
A  discarded, inflated image
Of our majestic Marilyn

Adan & Eva's next tour stop is here. 

With Apologies To Dr. Freud


The game of chess wears symbolic dress

Liliya Lifánova 
Anatomy is Destiny: 
The Wardrobe, 
Game in Waiting, 

Anatomy is destiny
is the title of what you see

Sigmund Freud tattooed that phrase
on psychology's history.

Today that phrase applies much less–
psychoanalysis has been bettered

Theories of Sigmund Freud
have been tarred & feathered

Then I look at what Lifanova did
and the wardrobe she did sever.

This  will never be debunked:

Another theory of Sigmund Freud gets debunked here.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

And The Winner Is...


Hopper's Nighthawks tops the list for Art Everywhere US: 

art show 

Marie Antoinette may once have said  LET THEM EAT CAKE

But if today, she did exist
She would exclaim:

LET THEM MAKE LISTS is the copyrighted property of LCSoL. 

The next Edward Hopper page is here. 

Ya Gotta Buy This T-Shirt...Or Else


The other guy puts his cigaret out...in your eye!


Pope Francis Makes First Visit to Mafia Stronghold in Southern Italy

But fret not for the Pontiff...

 He is under the protection of the Ultimate Spider and his 8-legged loincloth.


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thomas J. Bayes & Raymond H. Peterssen


This is the

Viet Nam

in Washington, DC

I was there in 2006

The photographer's shadow 
highlights the name:


Ray Peterssen was in his platoon.

I will return to the Memorial
if they build an auxiliary wall
naming the belated casualties
of Agent Orange.

Ray Peterssen was one of them.
He died on February, 19, 2012.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Poem by Anonymous


Novelists equal screenwriters
acquiring many upfronts

Humans wage war on individuality
With the young, then purple haired
forming the most intense cadres.

Thinkers are the enemy from kindergarden on
Different must be codified even if the coders
Later proven wrong and out of style
Different if trendy OK.


Thomas Merton & Lenny Bruce


Thomas Merton was a Catholic mystic.
Thomas Merton (1915-1968)

Lenny Bruce was a Jewish stand-up comic.

Both the mystic and the stand-up comic
could appreciate the potential shock value
of poetry.

Thoma Merton wrote the following poem.

Lenny Bruce, in his later years, recited it
during his performances.

The true value of the politically-incorrect poem
cannot be understood until reading it through
to the very last verse.
Lenny Bruce (1925-1966)


My name is Adolf Eichmann.
The Jews came every day
to vat they thought vould be
fun in the showers.
The mothers were quite ingenious.
They vould take the children
und hide them in bundles of clothing.
Ve found the children,
scrubbed them,
put them in the chambers
and sealed them in.

I vatched through the portholes
as they were droven und chant:
Hey, mein Liebe, heyyy.
Ve took off their clean Jewish love rings,
removed their teeth and hair –
for strategic defense.
I made soap out of them,
I made soap out of all of them;
and they hung me,
in full view of the prison yard.

People say,
Adolf Eichmann should have been hung!
Nein, if you recognize the whoredom
in all of you,
that you vould have done the same,
if you dared know yourselves.

My defense?
I vas a soldier.
People laugh,
Ha ha! This is no defense,
that you are a soldier.

This is trite.
I vas a soldier,
a good soldier.

I saw the end of a conscientious day’s effort.
I saw all the work that I did.
I, Adolf Eichmann,
vatched through the portholes.
I saw every Jew burned
und turned into soap.

Do you people think yourselves better
because you burned your enemies
at long distances
with missiles?
Without ever seeing what you’d done to them?
Hiroshima . . . Auf Wiedersehen . . .

Another Paul, Another Single Image


This Image Is Dedicated To...

Mrs. CarPeo.

It was she

who spotted

the head

in the clouds!

© Paul Oliverio
Kingman, Arizona

I should be reduced to salt if I did not provide a link
the most famous song ever written about Kingman.

It is Route 66, sung by Nat King Cole. 

Personally, I think the head in the clouds
belongs to Kurt Vonnegut.

Another New Yorker Cartoonist (CR #614)


I hope
the new
film is
as funny
as this.

© Paul Noth

Comic Relief
from the
New Yorker

More From Mr. Barsotti (CR #613)


Charles Barsotti (1933-2014)



is  also
from the

may it

Another New Yorker cartoonist is featured  here. 

R.I.P. Charles Barsotti


Charles Barsotti (1933-2014)
Charlie Barsotti, one of the great cartoonists, died yesterday.
Charlie drew close to fourteen hundred cartoons
for The New Yorker over the years, beginning
in the nineteen-sixties and continuing
right through last week’s issue.

The New Yorker tribute for Charlie Barsotti
made it terribly easy for me to post
four reasons why Ambrose Bierce
would have loved Charlie's
sense of humor.

There are more Barsotti cartoons on the next page.

Ambrose Bierce Poems


Ambrose Gwinett Bierce

Ambrose Bierce may or may not have been colic
But his wit–for certain–was diabolic.

One of his pupils may have been Mark Twain
Or anyone with a fine pointed brain.

Better minds than mine universally agree:
Bierce wrote the best Civil War short story.

None of the above is the product of drink:
Confirm it all on the Bierce hyperlink.
Was Bierce that good? I say "Oh Heck!"
Good enough to be portrayed by Gregory Peck.  

In no way is the next line defective:
Bierce influenced HBO's True Detective.

Some heard him rant. Some heard him mumble
But this man, for certain, was humble.

What is a Right? Bierce proceeded to think
Then credit he gave to Sir Abednego Bink. 

Before posting the poem, it is good to know
Sir Bink is just another Bierce alter ego.

Welcome the Tongue-in-Cheek Bierce Nation
Named for a believer in pre-destination.

By what right, then, do royal rulers rule?
Whose is the sanction of their state and pow'r?
He surely were as stubborn as a mule
Who, God unwilling, could maintain an hour

His uninvited session on the throne, or air
His pride securely in the Presidential chair.

Whatever is is so by Right Divine;
Whate'er occurs, God wills it so. Good land!

It were a wondrous thing if His design
A fool could baffle or a rogue withstand!

If so, then God, I say (intending no offence)
Is guilty of contributory negligence.

I apologize to anyone offended
by my not using the image
of the more famous title
by which this book
is known.

But this is an image
of the original title
of a Bierce book 
in 1906.

The next Bierce page
is here.  

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

"The Great Compromise"



© Paul Oliverio

Mount Robson & Photography 101


Some Photographs...









In British Colombia, Mount Robson is the highest peak 
in the Canadian Rockies.

Unless your name is Ansel Adams  or you understand 
the maxim, Black & White almost Uber Alles,  
shoot such natural wonders in color.

Doing so mean it is unneccesary to blot out 
the contrapuntal cloud blots
in the upper left corner. 

I would love to take credit for the top image
but it came from here.

Paul Edward Oliverio does take credit
for the last three letters of CarPeo
but the  r stands for the name
of the mountain.

Monday, June 16, 2014

1964 Pillow Fight


Photographed By Harry Benson ©

 The photograph was, in fact, a restaging of a real pillow fight 
 that had broken out between the band members 
 a few nights before. 

 When Brian Epstein, the Beatles' manager, came to tell them 
“I Want to Hold Your Hand” had topped the U.S. charts 
  and that they had been booked on The Ed Sullivan Show, 
  Benson suggested the boys make war again, 
  so he could photograph it and dispatch 
  the scene to the world. 


John, Paul, Geroge & Ringo: Couldja, wouldja just maybe give peace a chance?

In a former life,
it was known as 


The next Beatles' page is here.

It behooves Mr. CarPeo to acknowledge
that this page was initiated  by Mrs. CarPeo.

As were half of the next ten pages. 


Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders


Saying "This Novel Is Controversial"

...is like saying "Soup is hot."

Daniel Defoe wrote it in 1722,
three years after writing
Robinson Crusoe.

Father's Day was yesterday.

Today, a genuine Founding Father
of  Novels written in English
is featured on this page.

But the voice of  Moll Flanders
is the fictional autobiography
of a woman. 

However, a fistful of quotes
from the novel begins with
the author's preface

When a woman debauched from her youth...gives an account of all her vicious practices and all 
the progressions of crime which she ran through in threescore years, an author must be hard put 
to wrap it up so clean as to not give room, especially for vicious readers, 
to turn it to his disadvantage.

In relating the penitent part [vis-a-vis] the criminal part...the difference lies not
in the real worth of the subject as in the gust and the palate of the reader.

Nobody can write their own life to the full end of it 
unless they can write it after they are dead.

The temptation of necessity is the general introduction of all wickedness.

I had a most unbounded stock of vanity and pride but a very little stock of virtue.

The fear of not being married at all and of that frightful state of life called an old maid
is nothing but the lack of courage.

When a woman is left desolate and void of counsel, she is just like a bag of money
or a jewel dropped on the highway, which is prey to the next comer.

The busy devil that drew me in had too fast hold of me to let me go back.
But as poverty brought me in, so avarice kept me in,
till there was no going back.

Poverty hardens the heart.

A man so heated by wine in his head and a wicked gust in his inclination...
is in possession of two evils at once, and can no more govern himself
by reason than a mill can grind without water.

The image is from here.

That hyperlink will also give you access to the complete text of Moll Flanders. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Banksy & Me


...Complete Undivided Attention...

Mobile Lovers


The quote is the copyrighted property of LCSoL.
Direct any inquiries about its usage to this web site.

But for more information about the magnificent Mr. Banksy, click here.

Third Sunday Of June


To all the Fathers

And all the Fatherless

To all in need
of happiness

Fathers would
never exist 
were it not 
for Mothers


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Banksy's Kids On Guns


Photo by Bonham's
"Yesterday I set up a stall
in [Central Park] selling
100% authentic original
signed Banksy canvases.
For $60 each."


According to Art Daily,
the quote above was posted
on Banksy's web site
in 2013.

This canvas will be
auctioned for sale
next month with
an estimated
sale price of

© artdaily.org

The next Banksy page is here.

"Yesterday I set up a stall in the park selling 100% authentic original signed Banksy canvases. For $60 each."

More Information: http://artdaily.com/news/70746/Banksy-s--60-prank-during-his-2013---145-residency--146--in-New-York-gets-serious-at-Bonhams#.U5zN-y8QI7B[/url]
Copyright © artdaily.org

Friday, June 13, 2014

Almost Forgetten Vincent Van Frankenstein Post


A German artist by the name of Diemut Strebe has created a replica of Vincent Van Gogh’s
severed ear using DNA from Vincent’s great-great-grandnephew Lieuwe Van Gogh,
and now the strange incarnation of the legendary lopped ear is on display
at the Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, Germany.

This  unforgettable 2014
Dr. Frankenstein gesture
reminds me of a poem 

If forgetting were an art I'd be Van Gogh
Then forget where my ear was
And cut off my toe.

IF FORGETTING is the copyrighted property of LCSoL.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

(A Quote & Its Converse) ©


ANGER IS... one letter short of  DANGER.


DANGER IS... ANGER with a   big belly.

Jackie Uber Alles


The verbatim Art Daily text for this 
Best Photo of the Day reads as follows:

MONACO.- Maria Shpilevaya, MasArtPromotion COO and Didier Viltart, Director Opera Gallery Monaco, 
pose for a picture in Monaco.

The centerpiece of the photograph
is  another photograph.

I will reproduce the latter.

If Life imitates Art then Oliverio can
imitate Art Daily by not naming
the photographer.

The number of GoodFather pages
that preceded this one (600)
is less than the number
of opinions about this
married couple.

Jackie Kennedywidow of John F. Kennedy–
married the man glaring at the photographer
five years after the President
was assassinated in 1963.

The glaring man is Aristotle Onassis.

Gentleman (and Gentlewomen):

Start your search engines 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Bob Geldof & The Teenage Godmother of Sandy Hook


I Don't Like Mondays
The silicon chip inside her head
Gets switched to overload.
And nobody's gonna go to school today,
She's going to make them stay at home.
And daddy doesn't understand it,
He always said she was as good as gold.
And he can see no reason
'Cause there are no reasons
What reason do you need to be shown?
Tell me why?
I don't like Mondays.
Tell me why?
I don't like Mondays.
Tell me why?
I don't like Mondays.
I want to shoot
The whole day down.
The telex machine is kept so clean
As it types to a waiting world.
And mother feels so shocked,
Father's world is rocked,
And their thoughts turn to
Their own little girl.
Sweet 16 ain't so peachy keen,
No, it ain't so neat to admit defeat.
They can see no reasons
'Cause there are no reasons
What reason do you need to be shown?
Tell me why?
I don't like Mondays.
Tell me why?
I don't like Mondays.
Tell me why?
I don't like Mondays.
I want to shoot
The whole day down.
All the playing's stopped in the playground now
She wants to play with her toys a while.
And school's out early and soon we'll be learning
And the lesson today is how to die.
And then the bullhorn crackles,
And the captain crackles,
With the problems and the how's and why's.
And he can see no reasons
'Cause there are no reasons
What reason do you need to die?
Tell me why?
I don't like Mondays.
Tell me why?
I don't like Mondays.
Tell me why?
I don't like Mondays.
I want to shoot
The whole day down.

written in 1979 by Bob Geldof
performed by The Boomtown  Rats

Thirty-five years ago, campus-as-shooting-gallery was the exception rather than the rule.

On Monday, January 29, 1979, a barrage of gunfire was heard "just as a bell rang
to signal the start of classes at Grover Cleveland Elementary in San Carlos, California."

After  fifteen minutes of non-stop shooting, eight students and a police officer were wounded.
The school's Principal and the custodian were dead. After a six-hour siege, the sniper surrendered.

Sixteen year-old Brenda Spencer had just received a 22-caliber rifle with 400 rounds of amunition
as a Christmas gift from her father. When asked why she assaulted the students, her reply was
  “I don’t like Mondays. This livens up the day."

It behooves me to give the last words–from a 2013 video–
to Geldof and the director of the music video.