
The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = G. CARLIN...Stain glass, engraved glass, frosted glass
–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES...Music is the mathematics of the gods = PYTHAGORAS...Nothing is more fluid than language = R. L. SWIHART
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I think therefore I am troubled = RENEE DESCARTES<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Monday, November 18, 2013

Not What Happened But When Did It Happen?


In Interview With Der Spiegel, Recluse Defiantly Stakes Claim To Nazi-era Art Hoard

A cameraman films an apartment building in Munich's Schwabing district,
where art masterpieces stolen by the Nazis were discovered in a flat on November 17, 2013.
Cornelius Gurlitt...who hid hundreds of paintings believed looted by the Nazis in his Munich flat,
says he will not give up the works without a fight, quashing hopes of a quick settlement.
Describing the priceless works as the love of his life, Gurlitt, 80, told Der Spiegel news weekly
in an interview that his father, a powerful Nazi-era art dealer, had acquired the paintings legally
and that he as his heir sees himself as their rightful owner.

AFP PHOTO / DPA / Marc Mueller

Artworks among the trove that Cornelius Gurlitt kept for years in his Munich apartment.
From top left: "Don Quixote and Sancho Panza" by Honore Daumier, "Riders on the Beach" by Max Liebermann,
"Study of a Woman Nude, Standing, Arms Raised, Hands Crossed Above Head" by Auguste Rodin,
"Child at Table" by Otto Griebel, "Sa Giustina in Pra della Vale" by Antonio Canaletto,
"Male Portrait" by Ludwig Godenschweg, "Couple" by Hans Christoph, "Mother and Child" by Erich Fraass,
"Couple in a Landscape" by Conrad Felixmueller, "View of the Seine Valley" by Theodore Rousseau,
"Monk" by Christoph Voll, "Tram" by Bernhard Kretschmar, "Thinking Woman" by Fritz Maskos,
"The Master Exploder Hantsch" by Christoph Voll, "Female Nude" by Ludwig Godenschweg,
"Seated Woman/Woman Sitting in Armchair" by Henri Matisse, "Veiled Woman" by Otto Griebel,
"Girl at Table" by Wilhelm Lachnit, "Dompteuse" by Otto Dix, and "Male Nude" by Bonaventura Genelli.

AFP Photo/ Getty Images/ Staatsanwaltschaft Augsburg

IT IS BEYOND DISPUTE that fourteen hundred pieces of what Adolph Hitler called Degenerate Art
were discovered in a derelict Berlin apartment.

IT IS BEYOND DISPUTE that the confiscated art is worth much more than one billion dollars.

IT IS BEYOND DISPUTE that the world became aware of this on November 17, 2013.

BUT is discovery determined by the date it is discovered or by the date it becomes public information?

To quote today's Art Daily:
While [Gurlitt] sold many of the pieces, he kept a large trove for himself.
Most of the collection was believed lost or destroyed but surfaced
during a routine customs investigation at Gurlitt's flat in
February 2012 and was confiscated.

Maybe the title of his page should be...OPEN THEE: Thy Can of Worms...and out they spill.
Half the worms curl into question marks, each defecating one stool to serve as the dot
on the bottom of the punctuation mark.

WHY did the German government wait nearly two years before revealing the bountiful booty?

IS IT the custom of the German government to keep ugly horrifying Nazi truths secret
from the rest of the world?

HOW could the world media be so blind or dumb to not discover Germany's Degenerate secret?

IS IT the custom of the world media to co-operate with the most powerful country in Europe?

Does God sit at George Clooney's right hand or is it the other way around?

His movie–MEN OF MONUMENTS– about the "heroes" who rescued the art
the Nazis confiscated from the Jews was filming in Germany
round about the time of the original discovery of the Gurlitt art horde
As of November 18th, MEN OF MONUMENTS was scheduled for a Christmas 2013 release.
Then along came the revelation about cat piss-stained debris providing texture to an art collection
worth well over a billion dollars.

MEN OF MONUMENTS got back-burnered and re-scheduled the release date.
It is coming to a theater near you in February 2014.

Some people go to church. Some people go to George Clooney movies.
Some people cannot tell the difference.

IT IS almost BEYOND DISPUTE that Hitler
was the darkest manifestation of evil
in the twentieth century.

IS IT BEYOND DISPUTE that George Clooney is the brightest manifestation
of good in the twenty-first century.

I think not.
I think George Clooney is the most magnificent manifestation of marketing.

The next (of eleven) Gurlitt pages is  here.

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